Sunday, January 29, 2012

How To Delete Or Deactivate Facebook Profile And Account

How to delete or deactivate your own facebook profile and account permanently? Facebook will try their best to prevent you from deactivating your account, that is why the ‘delete account’ link is buried deep inside the settings. Here is a simple step by step tutorial on how to delete my facebook account:
  •  Step 1 – Click on ‘Account’
  • Step 2 – Go to ‘Account Settings’
  •  Step 3 – Under the ‘Settings’ tab click on
  • Step 4 – the ‘deactivate’ link as shown in the screen shot above
IMPORTANT! Remember to delete all of your application, games and etc prior to deactivating your facebook account. Failing to do so will trigger an automatic reactivation of your facebook by the application. Do note that it takes somewhere between six months to a year for facebook to delete all relevant data in their server.

Ngan is the author of, an architectural blog focused on the fun side of architecture. His blog has a list of useful tutorials on architectural computing.

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